Professional, certified and sworn translations

We strive to provide high-quality translation services for every project we undertake.

Our recipe is simple and effective: rigorous working processes acquired over the last ten years, application of the ISO 17100: 2015 standard and, last but not least, a healthy dose of translation technology and artificial intelligence.

Accepted files and systems

We work on all possible file types, from simple docx, pdf, pptx, csv, xml, etc. to the most complex formats.

We can also work directly with translation management tools (Translation Management System) such as Crowdin, Lokalise, etc.

Available translation languages

We offer over fifty languages including, French, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Turkish, Arabic, Hebrew, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Vietnamese, etc.

Our translation services

Legal translation

We translate your contracts, general terms and conditions and all your legal documents.

Technical translation

Our in-house teams specialize in a wide range of industry sectors, from the translation of user manuals and financial reports to audits.

Certified translation

Certified translations bear the signature and seal of our agency, and are valid for certain institutions and embassies.

Sworn translation

The sworn translation is recognized by all institutions in France, bears a court registration number and is signed by an expert translator authorized by a Cour d'appel.

Our translation languages

We offer translation services in over 50 languages, including EU and UN languages.

Subtitling and voice-over

Translation and localization of all your media content, commercials and audiovisual productions in our in-house studio.

Quote request

Contact our team and we’ll give you the answer you need as quickly as possible.

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