Legal translation agency

Welcome to La Française de la Traduction, your trusted partner for all your legal translation needs. Our agency has specialized in the translation of legal documents for over ten years. We know how to meet the specific requirements of the European and international legal field.

people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime

Most legal documents require a certified or sworn translation, a field in which we specialize. We provide daily certified and sworn translations of legal documents of various kinds, from corporate documents to more personal documents.

It is imperative to work with professional legal translators as any small margin of error in the translation of legal documents can significantly delay the outcome of a legal process.

It is important to note that the conditions under which legal documents must be approved may vary. If you are unsure whether your documents will be approved, please contact us with your requirements.

We regularly carry out translations for prefectures, embassies, or public ministries and know their requirements inside out. That’s why we guarantee the validity of our translations with any administration.

Absolute confidentiality of your translations

As with all translations, we take confidentiality very seriously and require all our collaborators to sign a confidentiality agreement (NDA) as a condition of employment. If you’d like us to provide you with our NDA (or sign yours), just let us know.

Furthermore, as professional translators, we are bound by professional secrecy, in accordance with article 378 of the French Penal Code.

Beware of cheap legal translation services

When looking for legal document translation services, it’s imperative to always work with a trusted legal translation provider. Simple mistakes, such as grammatical errors or incorrect word choices, can damage your company’s reputation and prove very costly in extensive legal proceedings.

Working with La Française de la Traduction means you’re working with a team of expert translators who can use their experience and industry knowledge to correctly assess the terminology specific to your case to ensure a successful translation.

Documents that require a legal translation


Our legal translators accurately translate your commercial contracts, employment contracts, rental agreements and any other type of contract, preserving their validity and accuracy.

Legal documents

Whether it's notarial deeds, company articles of association, minutes of general meetings or other legal documents, we provide accurate and rigorous translations.

Court documents

We specialize in the translation of court documents such as court rulings, petitions, summonses, judgements, etc. We respect deadlines and ensure the integrity of information.

International contracts

If you need to translate international contracts involving several jurisdictions, our team of bilingual legal translators will ensure an accurate translation in compliance with local regulations.

Certified translation

We also offer certified translations for legal documents requiring an official certification. Our sworn translators guarantee the authenticity and validity of each translation.


A legal translation is the act of transferring legal information from one language to another. Translating a legal document can frequently prove complicated, as the translator often needs to have in-depth knowledge of the legal systems of several countries.

At La Française de la Traduction, we have been providing legal translation services to companies, law firms, notaries and other private businesses for nearly ten years.

Our team of experienced legal translators has translated tens of thousands of legal documents and is ready to help you with your specific use case.

If you need to submit foreign documents for official purposes, you may require a legal translation. These documents can be for a variety of purposes such as academic, government and legal use cases, all of which we cover.

Here are just a few examples of how legal translation services are commonly used:

  • International trials and court cases
  • International business partnerships
  • International license applications
  • Starting a new business
  • Contracts

There are many other use cases that may require the translation of legal documents. If you have any questions about your documents, please do not hesitate to contact us.

A certified legal translation is an exact, word-for-word translation of a legal document. Most of our legal document translations are certified or sworn translations, as this is what most recipients of legal documents require.

Please be sure to check your recipient’s requirements to ensure that you are submitting the right type of translation and to avoid any legal procedural problems.

Legalisation of certified translations is a common addition to our legal translation services. Legalisation simply involves a public official verifying the identity of the signatory of the translation accuracy certificate, which comes with each certified translation.

Please refer to your recipient’s requirements to ensure that legalisation is necessary.

If you have any questions about our notarial certification process, please contact us to discuss them.

If the end-user of your translation is abroad, you will most likely need an apostille to authenticate the validity of our certification.

Apostilles make our legalisation process valid in all 116 Hague Convention countries.

If you have any questions about our apostille process, please contact us for more information.

We translate thousands of documents every month, a large proportion of which are legal translations. Here are some of the most common legal documents we translate:

  • Licenses and permits
  • Certificates such as marriage and divorce certificates
  • Legal contracts
  • Affidavits
  • Lease contracts

Although these are the most common documents we translate, if your document is not on the list above, it’s highly likely that we’ll be able to translate it. If you have any questions about your documents and our translation services, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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