Legal notice

1 - Publication of the website

Pursuant to Article 6 of Act No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004, users of the website are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and follow-up:

Website owner: Yanis Mohdeb – Contact: contact@lftraduction.fr01 78 91 02 42 – Address: 8 Rue du Colisée, 75008 Paris.

Company identification: LFTraduction – SIREN: 953 197 621 – Address: 8 Rue du Colisée, 75008 Paris

Host: 1&1 / IONOS – 7 Place de la Gare – 57200 Sarreguemines – Phone number:

Data protection manager: Yanis

2 - Intellectual property and counterfeiting.

All intellectual property rights and rights of use for all elements of the website, including texts, images, graphs, logos, videos, architectures, icons and sounds, belong to Yanis Mohdeb.

The elements of this site may not be reproduced, represented, altered, published or adapted in whole or in part, whatever the medium or method, without priori written authorization from Yanis Mohdeb.

Any unauthorized exploitation of the site or any of its elements will be considered to be counterfeiting and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of Articles L.335-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code (« Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle »).

3 - Limitation of liability.

Yanis Mohdeb can’t be held liable for direct or indirect damages caused to the user’s equipment while accessing the site

Yanis Mohdeb accepts no responsibility with regards to potential uses of the information and contents available on the website

Although Yanis Mohdeb is committed to securing the website as best as possible, he cannot be held liable if unwanted data are uploaded on his website without his knowledge.

Interactive areas (contact space or comments) are available to users. Yanis Mohdeb reserves the right to delete without prior notification any content posted on these spaces that is against the legislation applicable in France, in particular the provisions on data protection.

IIf necessary, Yanis Mohdeb reserves the right to hold the user civilly and/or criminally liable, particularly in the event of messages of a racist, insulting, defamatory or pornographic nature, whatever the medium used (text, photographs, etc.).

4 - CNIL and handling of personal data

In compliance with the provisions of Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended, the user of the website has a right of access, rectification and erasure of collected information. In order to exercise this right, send a message to our Data protection manager: Yanis

For more information on how we process your data (type of data, purpose, recipient…), read our

5 - Hyperlinks and cookies

The website contains hyperlinks to other websites and accepts no liability regarding these external links and links created by other websites to

Browing the website may prompt the installation of cookies on the user’s computer.

A cookie is a small file that records information about a user’s browsing on a website. The collected data help measure traffic on the website for instance.

You can choose to accept or decline cookies by modifying your browser settings. No cookies will be placed without your permission.

Cookies are saved for a maximum of 6 months.

For more information on how we use cookies, read our

6 - Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction

Any dispute relating to the use of the website is subject to the French Law. Except where the law doesn’t allow it, exclusive jurisdiction is granted to the competent courts of Toulouse.

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